Even innocence itself has many a wile, And will not dare to trust itself with truth, And love is taught hypocrisy from youth.
 Lord Byron, Don Juan (1819). copy citation

Author Lord Byron
Source Don Juan
Topic hypocrisy youth
Date 1819
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21700/21700-h/21700-h.htm


“And if she met him, though she smiled no more, She look'd a sadness sweeter than her smile, As if her heart had deeper thoughts in store She must not own, but cherish'd more the while For that compression in its burning core; Even innocence itself has many a wile, And will not dare to trust itself with truth, And love is taught hypocrisy from youth. But passion most dissembles, yet betrays Even by its darkness; as the blackest sky Foretells the heaviest tempest, it displays Its workings through the vainly guarded eye, And in whatever aspect it arrays Itself, 't is still the same hypocrisy;” source