Kindness cannot make it stronger, Coldness cannot make it cold.
 Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605). copy citation

Author Miguel de Cervantes
Source Don Quixote
Topic coldness kindness
Date 1605
Language English
Note Translated by John Ormsby


“True it is, Olalla, sometimes Thou hast all too plainly shown That thy heart is brass in hardness, And thy snowy bosom stone. Yet for all that, in thy coyness, And thy fickle fits between, Hope is there--at least the border Of her garment may be seen. Lures to faith are they, those glimpses, And to faith in thee I hold; Kindness cannot make it stronger, Coldness cannot make it cold. If it be that love is gentle, In thy gentleness I see Something holding out assurance To the hope of winning thee. If it be that in devotion Lies a power hearts to move, That which every day I show thee, Helpful to my suit should prove.” source