we have no right to take vengeance for wrongs that love may do to us
 Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605). copy citation

Author Miguel de Cervantes
Source Don Quixote
Topic love wrong
Date 1605
Language English
Note Translated by John Ormsby
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/996/996-h/996-h.htm


“Sancho, who never found any pleasure or enjoyment in such doings, retreated to the wine-jars from which he had taken his delectable skimmings, considering that, as a holy place, that spot would be respected. "Hold, sirs, hold!" cried Don Quixote in a loud voice; "we have no right to take vengeance for wrongs that love may do to us: remember love and war are the same thing, and as in war it is allowable and common to make use of wiles and stratagems to overcome the enemy, so in the contests and rivalries of love the tricks and devices employed to attain the desired end are justifiable, provided they be not to the discredit or dishonour of the loved object.” source