A man that's a real man has to take the rough with the smooth.
 Sinclair Lewis, Elmer Gantry (1927). copy citation

Author Sinclair Lewis
Source Elmer Gantry
Date 1927
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0300851h.html


“he reflected, "till I get back to Zenith and tell old Potts and Hickenlooper that!" As they rode to the hotel on the 'bus, Cleo sighed, "Oh, you were wonderful! But I never knew you had such a wild time of it in your first pastorate." "Oh, well, it was nothing. A man that's a real man has to take the rough with the smooth." "That's so!" 13 He stood impatiently on a corner of the Rue de la Paix, while Cleo gaped into the window of a perfumer. (She was too well trained to dream of asking him to buy expensive perfume.) He looked at the façades in the Place Vendôme.” source