but if you think that only which is your own to be your own, and if you think that what is another's, as it really is, belongs to another, no man will ever compel you, no man will hinder you, you will never blame any man, you will accuse no man, you will do nothing involuntarily (against your will) , no man will harm you, you will have no enemy, for you will not suffer any harm.
 Epictetus, Enchiridion (125). copy citation

Author Epictetus
Source Enchiridion
Topic suffering harm
Date 125
Language English
Note Translated by George Long
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Encheiridion_of_Epictetus_(George_Long)


“Remember then that if you think the things which are by nature slavish to be free, and the things which are in the power of others to be your own, you will be hindered, you will lament, you will be disturbed, you will blame both gods and men: but if you think that only which is your own to be your own, and if you think that what is another's, as it really is, belongs to another, no man will ever compel you, no man will hinder you, you will never blame any man, you will accuse no man, you will do nothing involuntarily (against your will) , no man will harm you, you will have no enemy, for you will not suffer any harm. If then you desire (aim at) such great things, remember that you must not (attempt to) lay hold of them with a small effort; but you must leave alone some things entirely, and postpone others for the present.” source