Joy is pleasure accompanied by the idea of something past, which has had an issue beyond our hope.
 Baruch Spinoza, Ethics (1677). copy citation

Author Baruch Spinoza
Source Ethics
Topic past pleasure
Date 1677
Language English
Note Translated by R. H. M. Elwes


“Thus it may happen that we are affected by the same emotion of pleasure or pain concerning a thing past or future, as concerning the conception of a thing present; this I have already shown in III. xviii., to which, with its note, I refer the reader. XVI. Joy is pleasure accompanied by the idea of something past, which has had an issue beyond our hope. XVII. Disappointment is pain accompanied by the idea of something past, which has had an issue contrary to our hope. XVIII. Pity is pain accompanied by the idea of evil, which has befallen someone else whom we conceive to be like ourselves” source