Pride is thinking too highly of one's self from self—love.
 Baruch Spinoza, Ethics (1677). copy citation

Author Baruch Spinoza
Source Ethics
Topic love self-knowledge
Date 1677
Language English
Note Translated by R. H. M. Elwes


“For custom and religion are not the same among all men, but that which some consider sacred others consider profane, and what some consider honourable others consider disgraceful. According as each man has been educated, he feels repentance for a given action or glories therein. XXVIII. Pride is thinking too highly of one's self from self—love. Explanation—Thus pride is different from partiality, for the latter term is used in reference to an external object, but pride is used of a man thinking too highly of himself. However, as partiality is the effect of love, so is pride the effect or property of self—love, which may therefore be thus defined, love of self or self—approval, in so far as it leads a man to think too highly of himself.” source