An Intelligence exists greater than your own; and it is only through this Intelligence you live at all.
 Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka (1848). copy citation

Author Edgar Allan Poe
Source Eureka
Topic intelligence living
Date 1848
Language English


“But now comes the period at which a conventional World-Reason awakens us from the truth of our dream. Doubt, Surprise and Incomprehensibility arrive at the same moment. They say:—"You live and the time was when you lived not. You have been created. An Intelligence exists greater than your own; and it is only through this Intelligence you live at all." These things we struggle to comprehend and cannot:—cannot, because these things, being untrue, are thus, of necessity, incomprehensible. No thinking being lives who, at some luminous point of his life of thought, has not felt himself lost amid the surges of futile efforts at understanding, or believing, that anything exists greater than his own soul.” source