A good wife is good, but the best wife is not so good as no wife at all.
 Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd (1874). copy citation

Author Thomas Hardy
Source Far from the Madding Crowd
Topic wife good
Date 1874
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/107/107-h/107-h.htm


“'Tis a very queer corner that you have got into, sergeant. You see all these things will come to light if you go back, and they won't sound well at all. Faith, if I was you I'd even bide as you be—a single man of the name of Francis. A good wife is good, but the best wife is not so good as no wife at all. Now that's my outspoke mind, and I've been called a long-headed feller here and there." "All nonsense!" said Troy, angrily. "There she is with plenty of money, and a house and farm, and horses, and comfort, and here am I living from hand to mouth—a needy adventurer.” source