Reason and Knowledge only thou despise,
The highest strength in man that lies!
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1808). copy citation

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Source Faust
Topic strength reason
Date 1808
Language English
Note Translated by Bayard Taylor


“(He disguises himself.) My wits, be certain, will befriend me. But fifteen minutes' time is all I need; For our fine trip, meanwhile, prepare thyself with speed! [Exit FAUST. MEPHISTOPHELES (In FAUST'S long mantle.) Reason and Knowledge only thou despise, The highest strength in man that lies! Let but the Lying Spirit bind thee With magic works and shows that blind thee, And I shall have thee fast and sure!— Fate such a bold, untrammelled spirit gave him, As forwards, onwards, ever must endure;” source