Ultimately a man can enjoy nothing except religion.
 G. K. Chesterton, Heretics (1905). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source Heretics
Topic religion
Date 1905
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/470/470-h/470-h.htm


“says the Scripture, "maketh glad the heart of man," but only of the man who has a heart. The thing called high spirits is possible only to the spiritual. Ultimately a man cannot rejoice in anything except the nature of things. Ultimately a man can enjoy nothing except religion. Once in the world's history men did believe that the stars were dancing to the tune of their temples, and they danced as men have never danced since. With this old pagan eudaemonism the sage of the Rubaiyat has quite as little to do as he has with any Christian variety.” source