Mere force or size even is a standard; but that alone will never make men think a man their superior.
 G. K. Chesterton, Heretics (1905). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source Heretics
Topic force size
Date 1905
Language English


“If the Superman is more manly than men are, of course they will ultimately deify him, even if they happen to kill him first. But if he is simply more supermanly, they may be quite indifferent to him as they would be to another seemingly aimless monstrosity. He must submit to our test even in order to overawe us. Mere force or size even is a standard; but that alone will never make men think a man their superior. Giants, as in the wise old fairy-tales, are vermin. Supermen, if not good men, are vermin. "The Food of the Gods" is the tale of "Jack the Giant-Killer" told from the point of view of the giant. This has not, I think, been done before in literature;” source