In our imperfectly organized society there is no provision as yet for the young woman who claims the privileges of marriage without assuming its obligations.
 Edith Wharton, House of Mirth (1905). copy citation

Author Edith Wharton
Source House of Mirth
Topic marriage society
Date 1905
Language English


“Ned Van Alstyne, stroking his moustache to hide the smile behind it. "Buy the dirty sheet? No, of course not; some fellow showed it to me—but I'd heard the stories before. When a girl's as good-looking as that she'd better marry; then no questions are asked. In our imperfectly organized society there is no provision as yet for the young woman who claims the privileges of marriage without assuming its obligations." "Well, I understand Lily is about to assume them in the shape of Mr. Rosedale," Mrs. Fisher said with a laugh. "Rosedale—good heavens!" exclaimed Van Alstyne, dropping his eye-glass. "Stepney, that's your fault for foisting the brute on us."” source