Too often the female world is bounded hard and fast within the limits of the commonplace.
 Jerome K. Jerome, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886). copy citation

Author Jerome K. Jerome
Source Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Topic limit world
Date 1886
Language English


“It is just at the very age when a man's character is forming that he tumbles into love, and then the lass he loves has the making or marring of him. Unconsciously he molds himself to what she would have him, good or bad. I am sorry to have to be ungallant enough to say that I do not think they always use their influence for the best. Too often the female world is bounded hard and fast within the limits of the commonplace. Their ideal hero is a prince of littleness, and to become that many a powerful mind, enchanted by love, is "lost to life and use and name and fame." And yet, women, you could make us so much better if you only would.” source