We shall never be content until each man makes his own weather and keeps it to himself.
 Jerome K. Jerome, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886). copy citation

Author Jerome K. Jerome
Source Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Topic weather
Date 1886
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/849/849-h/849-h.htm


“If December passes without snow, we indignantly demand to know what has become of our good old-fashioned winters, and talk as if we had been cheated out of something we had bought and paid for; and when it does snow, our language is a disgrace to a Christian nation. We shall never be content until each man makes his own weather and keeps it to himself. If that cannot be arranged, we would rather do without it altogether. Yet I think it is only to us in cities that all weather is so unwelcome. In her own home, the country, Nature is sweet in all her moods.” source