Life altogether is but a crumbling ruin when we turn to look behind
 Jerome K. Jerome, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886). copy citation

Author Jerome K. Jerome
Source Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Topic life ruin
Date 1886
Language English


“but the only thing about it I can call to mind distinctly is that at the most critical moment somebody suddenly opened the door and said, "Emily, you're wanted," in a sepulchral tone that gave one the idea the police had come for her. All the tender words she said to me and all the beautiful things I said to her are utterly forgotten. Life altogether is but a crumbling ruin when we turn to look behind: a shattered column here, where a massive portal stood; the broken shaft of a window to mark my lady's bower; and a moldering heap of blackened stones where the glowing flames once leaped, and over all the tinted lichen and the ivy clinging green.” source