All is vanity and everybody's vain. Women are terribly vain.
 Jerome K. Jerome, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886). copy citation

Author Jerome K. Jerome
Source Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Topic vanity women
Date 1886
Language English


“I should be certain of paying it back within a week at the outside, and if any lady or gentleman among my readers would kindly lend it me, I should be very much obliged indeed. They could send it to me under cover to Messrs. Field & Tuer, only, in such case, please let the envelope be carefully sealed. I would give you my I.O.U. as security. ON VANITY AND VANITIES. All is vanity and everybody's vain. Women are terribly vain. So are men—more so, if possible. So are children, particularly children. One of them at this very moment is hammering upon my legs. She wants to know what I think of her new shoes. Candidly I don't think much of them.” source