Women are never so strong as after they are defeated.
 Alexandre Dumas, La Reine Margot (1845). copy citation

Author Alexandre Dumas
Source La Reine Margot
Topic defeat women
Date 1845
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/33609/pg33609-images.html


“said Madame de Sauve, with a siren's accent that would have melted the wax in Ulysses' ears, "if I were inclined to make your majesty tell a falsehood"— "Ma mie, try"— "Ah, ma foi! I confess I am tempted to do so." "Give in! Women are never so strong as after they are defeated." "Sire, I hold you to your promise for Dariole when you shall be King of France." Henry uttered an exclamation of joy. At the precise moment when this cry escaped the lips of the Béarnais, the Queen of Navarre was replying to the Duc de Guise:” source