A technological and economic development which does not leave in its wake a better world and an integrally higher quality of life cannot be considered progress.
 Pope Francis, Laudato si' (24 May 2015 ). copy citation

Author Pope Francis
Source Laudato si'
Topic progress development
Date 24 May 2015
Language English
Weblink http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-fra...


“It is not enough to balance, in the medium term, the protection of nature with financial gain, or the preservation of the environment with progress. Halfway measures simply delay the inevitable disaster. Put simply, it is a matter of redefining our notion of progress. A technological and economic development which does not leave in its wake a better world and an integrally higher quality of life cannot be considered progress. Frequently, in fact, people’s quality of life actually diminishes – by the deterioration of the environment, the low quality of food or the depletion of resources – in the midst of economic growth. In this context, talk of sustainable growth usually becomes a way of distracting attention and offering excuses.” source