faith encourages the scientist to remain constantly open to reality in all its inexhaustible richness.
 Pope Francis, Laudato si' (24 May 2015 ). copy citation

Author Pope Francis
Source Laudato si'
Topic richness reality
Date 24 May 2015
Language English


“the light of faith is an incarnate light radiating from the luminous life of Jesus. It also illumines the material world, trusts its inherent order, and knows that it calls us to an ever widening path of harmony and understanding. The gaze of science thus benefits from faith: faith encourages the scientist to remain constantly open to reality in all its inexhaustible richness. Faith awakens the critical sense by preventing research from being satisfied with its own formulae and helps it to realize that nature is always greater. By stimulating wonder before the profound mystery of creation, faith broadens the horizons of reason to shed greater light on the world which discloses itself to scientific investigation”.” source