A spirituality which forgets God as all-powerful and Creator is not acceptable.
 Pope Francis, Laudato si' (24 May 2015 ). copy citation

Author Pope Francis
Source Laudato si'
Topic spirituality God
Date 24 May 2015
Language English
Weblink http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-fra...


““Great and wonderful are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways!” (Rev 15:3) . The God who created the universe out of nothing can also intervene in this world and overcome every form of evil. Injustice is not invincible. 75. A spirituality which forgets God as all-powerful and Creator is not acceptable. That is how we end up worshipping earthly powers, or ourselves usurping the place of God, even to the point of claiming an unlimited right to trample his creation underfoot. The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place, putting an end to their claim to absolute dominion over the earth, is to speak once more of the figure of a Father who creates and who alone owns the world.” source