a blind man is no more a criminal than a Vendean is a ruffian.
 Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (1862). copy citation

Author Victor Hugo
Source Les Misérables
Topic criminal
Date 1862
Language English
Note Translation by Isabel F. Hapgood in 1887
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/135/135-h/135-h.htm


“the right is not, like the Colossus of Rhodes, on two shores at once, with one foot on the republic, and one in Royalty; it is indivisible, and all on one side; but those who are in error are so sincerely; a blind man is no more a criminal than a Vendean is a ruffian. Let us, then, impute to the fatality of things alone these formidable collisions. Whatever the nature of these tempests may be, human irresponsibility is mingled with them. Let us complete this exposition.” source