Life in society is one long comedy, and those who take part in it, like other actors, reflect back impressions which never penetrate below the surface.
 Honoré de Balzac, Letters of Two Brides (1841). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Letters of Two Brides
Topic society comedy
Date 1841
Language English
Note Translated by R. S. Scott


“A child of fifteen with the assurance of a man of the world is a thing against all nature; at twenty-five he will be prematurely old, and his precocious knowledge only unfits him for the genuine study on which all solid ability must rest. Life in society is one long comedy, and those who take part in it, like other actors, reflect back impressions which never penetrate below the surface. A mother, therefore, who wishes not to part from her children, must resolutely determine that they shall not enter the gay world; she must have courage to resist their inclinations, as well as her own, and keep them in the background.” source