Love may be the fairest gem which Society has filched from Nature
 Honoré de Balzac, Letters of Two Brides (1841). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Letters of Two Brides
Topic love
Date 1841
Language English
Note Translated by R. S. Scott


“the life which I shed upon my little ones will come back to me in ever-growing fulness. The plenty of your golden harvest will pass; mine, though late, will be but the more enduring, for each hour will see it renewed. Love may be the fairest gem which Society has filched from Nature; but what is motherhood save Nature in her most gladsome mood? A smile has dried my tears. Love makes my Louis happy, but marriage has made me a mother, and who shall say I am not happy also? With slow steps, then, I returned to my white grange, with the green shutters, to write you these thoughts.” source