Nature gave a Right to every man to secure himselfe by his own strength, and to invade a suspected neighbour, by way of prevention
 Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651). copy citation

Author Thomas Hobbes
Source Leviathan
Topic strength prevention
Date 1651
Language English


“which neverthelesse ought not to be so. For Right is Liberty, namely that Liberty which the Civil Law leaves us: But Civill Law is an Obligation; and takes from us the Liberty which the Law of Nature gave us. Nature gave a Right to every man to secure himselfe by his own strength, and to invade a suspected neighbour, by way of prevention; but the Civill Law takes away that Liberty, in all cases where the protection of the Lawe may be safely stayd for. Insomuch as Lex and Jus, are as different as Obligation and Liberty. And Between A Law And A Charter” source