Because the Experience of men equall in age, is not much unequall, as to the quantity
 Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651). copy citation

Author Thomas Hobbes
Source Leviathan
Topic age experience
Date 1651
Language English


“if his observations be such as are not easie, or usuall, This wit of his is called PRUDENCE; and dependeth on much Experience, and Memory of the like things, and their consequences heretofore. In which there is not so much difference of Men, as there is in their Fancies and Judgements; Because the Experience of men equall in age, is not much unequall, as to the quantity; but lyes in different occasions; every one having his private designes. To govern well a family, and a kingdome, are not different degrees of Prudence; but different sorts of businesse; no more then to draw a picture in little, or as great, or greater then the life, are different degrees of Art.” source