If you win, society is the loser. The gold-digger is the enemy of the honest laborer, whatever checks and compensations there may be.
 Henry David Thoreau, Life Without Principle (1863). copy citation


“A grain of gold will gild a great surface, but not so much as a grain of wisdom. The gold-digger in the ravines of the mountains is as much a gambler as his fellow in the saloons of San Francisco. What difference does it make, whether you shake dirt or shake dice? If you win, society is the loser. The gold-digger is the enemy of the honest laborer, whatever checks and compensations there may be. It is not enough to tell me that you worked hard to get your gold. So does the Devil work hard. The way of transgressors may be hard in many respects. The humblest observer who goes to the mines sees and says that gold-digging is of the character of a lottery;” source