When one goes poor, we forget him. That is how we keep rich. We mean to be rich always.
 George MacDonald, Lilith (1895). copy citation

Author George MacDonald
Source Lilith
Topic meaning forgetting
Date 1895
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1640/1640-h/1640-h.htm


“She replied that their ancestors had saved for them, and they never spent. When they wanted money they sold a few of their gems. “But there must be some poor!” I said. “I suppose there must be, but we never think of such people. When one goes poor, we forget him. That is how we keep rich. We mean to be rich always.” “But when you have dug up all your precious stones and sold them, you will have to spend your money, and one day you will have none left!” “We have so many, and there are so many still in the ground, that that day will never come,”” source