To sell a bargain well is as cunning as fast and loose
 William Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost (1598). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Love's Labour's Lost
Date 1598
Language English
Note Written between 1595 and 1596


“Until the goose came out of door, Staying the odds by adding four. MOTH. A good l'envoy, ending in the goose; would you desire more? COSTARD. The boy hath sold him a bargain, a goose, that's flat. Sir, your pennyworth is good, an your goose be fat. To sell a bargain well is as cunning as fast and loose; Let me see: a fat l'envoy; ay, that's a fat goose. ARMADO. Come hither, come hither. How did this argument begin? MOTH. By saying that a costard was broken in a shin. Then call'd you for the l'envoy.” source