The person love does to us fit, Like manna, has the taste of all in it.
 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Love (1841). copy citation

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source Love
Topic love taste
Date 1841
Language English
Reference in "Essays: First Series"


“For it is the nature and end of this relation, that they should represent the human race to each other. All that is in the world, which is or ought to be known, is cunningly wrought into the texture of man, of woman. "The person love does to us fit, Like manna, has the taste of all in it." The world rolls; the circumstances vary every hour. The angels that inhabit this temple of the body appear at the windows, and the gnomes and vices also. By all the virtues they are united. If there be virtue, all the vices are known as such;” source