We women can't never realize the carnal thoughts in the hearts of men.
 Sinclair Lewis, Main Street (1920). copy citation

Author Sinclair Lewis
Source Main Street
Topic women heart
Date 1920
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/543/543-h/543-h.htm


“Swiftwaite—awful peroxide blonde?” moaned Mrs. Bogart. “They say there's some of the awfullest goings-on at her house—mere boys and old gray-headed rips sneaking in there evenings and drinking licker and every kind of goings-on. We women can't never realize the carnal thoughts in the hearts of men. I tell you, even though I been acquainted with Will Kennicott almost since he was a mere boy, seems like, I wouldn't trust even him! Who knows what designin' women might tempt him! Especially a doctor, with women rushin' in to see him at his office and all!” source