A woman can never be too fine while she is all in white.
 Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (1814). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Mansfield Park
Topic women
Date 1814
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/141/141-h/141-h.htm


““The new dress that my uncle was so good as to give me on my cousin's marriage. I hope it is not too fine; but I thought I ought to wear it as soon as I could, and that I might not have such another opportunity all the winter. I hope you do not think me too fine.” “A woman can never be too fine while she is all in white. No, I see no finery about you; nothing but what is perfectly proper. Your gown seems very pretty. I like these glossy spots. Has not Miss Crawford a gown something the same?” In approaching the Parsonage they passed close by the stable-yard and coach-house.” source