missed as every noisy evil is missed when it is taken away
 Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (1814). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Mansfield Park
Topic evil
Date 1814
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/141/141-h/141-h.htm


“Fanny felt obliged to speak. “You cannot doubt your being missed by many,” said she. “You will be very much missed.” Miss Crawford turned her eye on her, as if wanting to hear or see more, and then laughingly said, “Oh yes! missed as every noisy evil is missed when it is taken away; that is, there is a great difference felt. But I am not fishing; don't compliment me. If I am missed, it will appear. I may be discovered by those who want to see me. I shall not be in any doubtful, or distant, or unapproachable region.”” source