We can’t get married on masterpieces that won’t sell.
 Jack London, Martin Eden (1909). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source Martin Eden
Date 1909
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1056/1056-h/1056-h.htm


““But what good are these bigger-things, these masterpieces?” Ruth demanded. “You can’t sell them.” “Oh, yes, I can,” he began; but she interrupted. “All those you named, and which you say yourself are good—you have not sold any of them. We can’t get married on masterpieces that won’t sell.” “Then we’ll get married on triolets that will sell,” he asserted stoutly, putting his arm around her and drawing a very unresponsive sweetheart toward him. “Listen to this,” he went on in attempted gayety.” source