Beauty hurts you. It is an everlasting pain in you, a wound that does not heal, a knife of flame.
 Jack London, Martin Eden (1909). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source Martin Eden
Topic beauty pain
Date 1909
Language English


“What in hell’s success if it isn’t right there in your Stevenson sonnet, which outranks Henley’s ‘Apparition,’ in that ‘Love-cycle,’ in those sea-poems? “It is not in what you succeed in doing that you get your joy, but in the doing of it. You can’t tell me. I know it. You know it. Beauty hurts you. It is an everlasting pain in you, a wound that does not heal, a knife of flame. Why should you palter with magazines? Let beauty be your end. Why should you mint beauty into gold? Anyway, you can’t; so there’s no use in my getting excited over it. You can read the magazines for a thousand years and you won’t find the value of one line of Keats.” source