As there are many demons with men's faces,
It is wrong to join hand with every one.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic wrong demons
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book I
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield


“But such as when one is drowned and absorbed in Him. The latter has his face ever turned to God, The former's face shows his undisciplined self-will. Watch the face of each one, regard it well, It may be by serving thou wilt recognize Truth's face. As there are many demons with men's faces, It is wrong to join hand with every one. When the fowler sounds his decoy whistle, That the birds may be beguiled by that snare, The birds hear that call simulating a bird's call, And, descending from the air, find net and knife. So vile hypocrites steal the language of Darveshes,” source