For base men are purified when they suffer evil,
And when they enjoy prosperity they do evil.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic suffering evil
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book III
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield


“For each kindness he will return seven hundredfold. When you treat a base man with scorn and contumely, He will become your slave in all sincerity. Infidels when enjoying prosperity do wrong, When they are in hell they cry, "O our Lord!" For base men are purified when they suffer evil, And when they enjoy prosperity they do evil. Wherefore the mosque of their devotion is hell, As the snare is the fetter of wild fowl. The prison is the hermitage of the wicked thief, For when he is there he is ever crying to God. Whereas the object of man's being is to worship God,” source