As the bat cannot endure the sight of the sun, men cannot at once endure the full blaze of the beatific vision.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic vision sight
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book V
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield


“Alluding to Story vii. Book II. 2. Koran xxvii. 19. 3. Koran xxxiii. 23. 4. i.e., are based on hearsay. 5. "When God manifested Himself to the mount He turned it to dust, and Moses fell in a swoon" (Koran vii. 139) . As the bat cannot endure the sight of the sun, men cannot at once endure the full blaze of the beatific vision. 6. A proverb which is not given by Freytag. 7. Ideas and types lead men on to actual sight when they are strong enough to bear it. Job xlii. 5. 8. Koran xlv. 23. 9. Place of refuge, i.e., heavenly visions;” source