When you know the world better, you will understand how important it is for the reputation of a young lady that none should have reason to suppose that even a shadow of danger has fallen upon her honour.
 George Sand, Mauprat (1837). copy citation

Author George Sand
Source Mauprat
Topic danger reputation
Date 1837
Language English
Note Translated by John Oliver Hobbes
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Mauprat_(Heinemann)


“"At present no one knows," he answered. "At the very moment she left it, Roche-Mauprat fell before the attack of the police, and not one of its inmates will return from the grave or from exile to proclaim the fact. When you know the world better, you will understand how important it is for the reputation of a young lady that none should have reason to suppose that even a shadow of danger has fallen upon her honour. Meanwhile, I implore you, in the name of her father, in the name of the affection for her which you expressed this morning in so noble and touching a manner . . ." "You are very clever, Monsieur l'Abbé,"” source