so a man that is divided from another man, is divided from the whole society.
 Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (c. 170 - 180). copy citation

Author Marcus Aurelius
Source Meditations
Topic society
Date c. 170 - 180
Language English
Note Translated by Meric Casaubon


“How clearly doth it appear unto thee, that no other course of thy life could fit a true philosopher's practice better, than this very course, that thou art now already in? VII. A branch cut off from the continuity of that which was next unto it, must needs be cut off from the whole tree: so a man that is divided from another man, is divided from the whole society. A branch is cut off by another, but he that hates and is averse, cuts himself off from his neighbour, and knows not that at the same time he divides himself from the whole body, or corporation. But herein is the gift and mercy of God, the Author of this society, in that, once cut off we may grow together and become part of the whole again.” source