If all things are not mere atoms, it is nature which orders all things
 Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (c. 170 - 180). copy citation

Author Marcus Aurelius
Source Meditations
Topic atoms order
Date c. 170 - 180
Language English
Note Translated by George Long
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/15877/15877-h/15877-h.htm


“What is my relation to men, and that we are made for one another; and in another respect I was made to be set over them, as a ram over the flock or a bull over the herd. But examine the matter from first principles, from this. If all things are not mere atoms, it is nature which orders all things: if this is so, the inferior things exist for the sake of the superior, and these for the sake of one another (ii. 1; ix. 39; v. 16; iii. 4) . Second, consider what kind of men they are at table, in bed, and so forth;” source