For those who feel the art, there is none; the strength and the grace join hands; the man and woman love each other still.
 Henry Adams, Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (1904). copy citation

Author Henry Adams
Source Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
Topic strength love
Date 1904
Language English


“, unless it is the north fleche of Chartres Cathedral (1507-13) ; and if you will look down the nave, through the triumphal arches, into the pointed choir four hundred years more modern, you can judge whether there is any real discord. For those who feel the art, there is none; the strength and the grace join hands; the man and woman love each other still. The difference of sex is not imaginary. In 1058, when the triumphal columns were building, and Taillefer sang to William the Bastard and Harold the Saxon, Roland still prayed his "mea culpa" to God the Father and gave not a thought to Alda his betrothed.” source