As I have said before, to pit oneself against another's praise and reputation is by no means fitting for a public man
 Plutarch, Moralia (c. 100 AD). copy citation

Author Plutarch
Source Moralia
Topic reputation praise
Date c. 100 AD
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Richard Shilleto


“For such is not the self-praise of a demagogue or sophist, or of one that asks for clapping or applause, but of one who makes his valour and experience a pledge of confidence to his friends. For in critical conjunctures the reputation and credit of one who has experience and capacity in command plays a great part in insuring safety. § xvii. As I have said before, to pit oneself against another's praise and reputation is by no means fitting for a public man: however, in important matters, where mistaken praise is injurious and detrimental, it is not amiss to confute it, or rather to divert the hearer to what is better by showing him the difference between true and false merit.” source