others waste their money in eating; others come to grief through dice and revelling
 Plutarch, Moralia (c. 100 AD). copy citation

Author Plutarch
Source Moralia
Topic grief money
Date c. 100 AD
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Richard Shilleto
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/23639/23639-h/23639-h.htm


“then at the last the parents are sorry they have neglected their education, bemoaning bitterly when it is too late their sons' debasement. For some of them keep flatterers and parasites in their retinue—an accursed set of wretches, the defilers and pest of youth; others keep mistresses and common prostitutes, wanton and costly; others waste their money in eating; others come to grief through dice and revelling; some even go in for bolder profligacy, being whoremongers and defilers of the marriage bed,14 who would madly pursue their darling vice if it cost them their lives. Had they associated with some philosopher, they would not have lowered themselves by such practices, but would have remembered the precept of Diogenes, whose advice sounds rather low, but is really of excellent moral intent,15 "Go into a brothel, my lad, that you may see the little difference between vice and virtue."” source