Power is the principle or matter of passion, as power to be angry, ashamed, or confident
 Plutarch, Moralia (c. 100 AD). copy citation

Author Plutarch
Source Moralia
Topic passion power
Date c. 100 AD
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Richard Shilleto
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/23639/23639-h/23639-h.htm


“, but only to keep it within bounds and order, and to engender the moral virtues, which are not apathetic, but hold the due proportion and mean in regard to passion. And this she does by reducing the power of passion to a good habit. For there are said to be three things existing in the soul, power, passion, and habit. Power is the principle or matter of passion, as power to be angry, ashamed, or confident: and passion is the actual setting in motion of that power, being itself anger, confidence, or shame; and habit is the strong formation of power in the unreasoning element engendered by use, being vice if the passions are badly tutored by reason, virtue if they are well tutored.” source