There is no better material in the world for making a gentleman, than is furnished in the African.
 Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855). copy citation

Author Frederick Douglass
Source My Bondage and My Freedom
Topic gentleman world
Date 1855
Language English


“Strange, and even ridiculous as it may seem, among a people so uncultivated, and with so many stern trials to look in the face, there is not to be found, among any people, a more rigid enforcement of the law of respect to elders, than they maintain. I set this down as partly constitutional with my race, and partly conventional. There is no better material in the world for making a gentleman, than is furnished in the African. He shows to others, and exacts for himself, all the tokens of respect which he is compelled to manifest toward his master. A young slave must approach the company of the older with hat in hand, and woe betide him, if he fails to acknowledge a favor, of any sort, with the accustomed” source