A woman’s love is not to be annihilated by the peremptory command of any one, whose breath is in his nostrils.
 Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855). copy citation

Author Frederick Douglass
Source My Bondage and My Freedom
Topic love women
Date 1855
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/202/202-h/202-h.htm


“He strictly ordered her to quit the company of said Roberts, telling her that he would punish her severely if he ever found her again in Edward’s company. This unnatural and heartless order was, of course, broken. A woman’s love is not to be annihilated by the peremptory command of any one, whose breath is in his nostrils. It was impossible to keep Edward and Esther apart. Meet they would, and meet they did. Had old master been a man of honor and purity, his motives, in this matter, might have been viewed more favorably.” source