For men are always disposed to respect and defend rights, when the victims of oppression stand up manfully for themselves.
 Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855). copy citation

Author Frederick Douglass
Source My Bondage and My Freedom
Topic oppression respect
Date 1855
Language English


“despising their principles—shocking their feelings of humanity, not only by bringing before them the abominations of slavery, but by attempting to make them parties to the crime. It has called into exercise among the colored people, the hunted ones, a spirit of manly resistance well calculated to surround them with a bulwark of sympathy and respect hitherto unknown. For men are always disposed to respect and defend rights, when the victims of oppression stand up manfully for themselves. There is another element of power added to the anti-slavery movement, of great importance; it is the conviction, becoming every day more general and universal, that slavery must be abolished at the south, or it will demoralize and destroy liberty at the north.” source