Without a profit, business cannot extend. There is nothing inherently wrong about making a profit.
 Henry Ford, My Life and Work (1922). copy citation

Author Henry Ford
Source My Life and Work
Topic profit business
Date 1922
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/7213/pg7213-images.html


“It is criminal to try to get business away from another man—criminal because one is then trying to lower for personal gain the condition of one's fellow man—to rule by force instead of by intelligence. 3. The putting of service before profit. Without a profit, business cannot extend. There is nothing inherently wrong about making a profit. Well-conducted business enterprise cannot fail to return a profit, but profit must and inevitably will come as a reward for good service. It cannot be the basis—it must be the result of service. 4. Manufacturing is not buying low and selling high.” source