Modern industry requires a degree of ability and skill which neither early quitting of school nor long continuance at school provides.
 Henry Ford, My Life and Work (1922). copy citation

Author Henry Ford
Source My Life and Work
Topic industry skill
Date 1922
Language English


“Many boys need support; they must work at the first thing which comes to hand. They have no chance to pick and choose. When the boy thus enters life untrained, he but adds to the already great scarcity of competent labour. Modern industry requires a degree of ability and skill which neither early quitting of school nor long continuance at school provides. It is true that, in order to retain the interest of the boy and train him in handicraft, manual training departments have been introduced in the more progressive school systems, but even these are confessedly makeshifts because they only cater to, without satisfying, the normal boy's creative instincts.” source